Since the controversial school closures of 2006, the Flynn Primary School has become a saga of failed consultations and missed opportunities. 2006 The most notorious and widely criticised consultation was the Flynn closure as part of the mass school closures in 2006. While The Costello Functional Review has still not been released, the reasons behind […]
Heritage listing for the Flynn school precinct moved a step closer from yesterday’s ruling in the ACT Supreme Court with an invitation to put fresh evidence into a new heritage nomination. While the Supreme Court Judge, Justice Burns refused the Flynn community groups the right to appeal the matter in the Supreme Court, community efforts […]
The John Flynn Community Group, with the support of the National Trust, is seeking your views of the heritage values of the Taglietti-designed Flynn Primary School precinct. You can access the survey at
This is your chance to have a say on what you value about the Flynn school and grounds The survey asks you what you think about: the design by famous architect Enrico Taglietti the memorial and links to John Flynn and the Flying Doctors the history of the place the building and the grounds for […]
There has been an interesting to and fro in the letters section of the Canberra Times in the past few weeks. As it is getting a bit long, we thought it might be worth putting them all together here. Council’s all-time low hits an architectural wonder February 8, 2012 The ACT Heritage Council has hit […]
The community now has until 14 March to tell the ACT Government what it values about Flynn primary school and grounds. This is significantly longer than the single day originally offered to the ACT community in early February, but it is still not as long as hoped. The six weeks is the bare minimum required […]
The Flynn community’s bid for heritage listing of the Flynn Primary School precinct took another step forwards today and yesterday (6-7 February) in the ACT Supreme Court. Led by the Flynn Primary School Parents and Citizens Association and the John Flynn Community Group, the appeal aims to overturn a ruling by the ACT Civil and […]
ACT departmental officials have given selected Flynn residents just seven days notice in peak holiday season that submissions on an important heritage report for the Flynn Primary School precinct are due. Some Flynn residents woke on Australia Day to find an ACT Government newsletter wedged in their junk mail, giving them first notice of a […]
Important matters of law, natural justice and public interest are at stake in the pitched battle over the heritage of Flynn Primary School. Not the least of these are the questions of: ‘what is heritage?’, ‘who is the community?’ and ‘what is community value?’ Six years after the closure of Flynn Primary School, the central […]
What both Flynn Primary School and Perth Council Offices illustrate is the ease with which Australia’s modernist inheritance is held hostage to short-term politics. Doubtless in 60 years attitudes will have changed, and buildings such as these will be prized as brave modern ambassadors of Australia, but will Flynn Primary School still be around to see the day?