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Media statements

Flynn benefits from booming births and enrolments

Flynn Primary School has received eight new enrolments since mid-year and the school is projecting an expanded Primary School and Preschool over coming years based on established population trends and confirmed enrolment rates.

“Contrary to reports that Flynn is experiencing one of the biggest falls in student numbers, Flynn is enjoying strong and sustained growth in enrolments fuelled by increasing birth rates and renewal of the suburb’s child population,” said Flynn P&C President, Ms Lesley-Anne Stevens.

“Flynn’s 4% growth in enrolments since mid-year follows its 7.2% growth from 2005 to 2006 and is in stark contrast to the negative growth (-1.1% average in 2005-06) being experienced across the ACT,” she said. “Furthermore, Flynn’s increasing birth rates, influx of children to the suburb and strong in-area enrolments mean that the Preschool will need to double its classes and Primary School enrolments will reliably rise to more than 200 in the next few years, without any other school closing.”

Ms Stevens was speaking in response to reports that an ACT Government School Census showed Flynn Primary’s enrolments had dropped from 179 in February 2006 to 172 in August 2006. “It is most unfortunate that the August School Census takes account of the families that responded to the Towards 2020 proposal or moved interstate or out-of-area, but it does not show the strong growth in enrolments that has occurred at Flynn since that time,” Ms Stevens said. The school now has 177 children enrolled.

Flynn’s expectation of a booming Preschool and Primary School have been reinforced by recent birth figures and fertility rates (third highest in the ACT) released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, a Flynn-wide survey conducted by the Flynn Primary P&C, and strong interest in enrolling for 2007 and beyond, Ms Stevens said.
The P&C survey of Flynn’s 1250 homes showed the suburb has 15% more children (aged 0–11 years) than at the 2001 Australian Census. It also showed the overwhelming support for Flynn Primary and Preschool (81% of respondents).

“Based upon the strong and sustained growth in numbers of children and enrolments at the Flynn Schools, the Flynn community has put forward a proposal (as part of its submission to Towards 2020) to steadily increase enrolments across the Preschool and Primary school to 300–330 over coming years, without relying on numbers from any school closure,” Ms Stevens said.

Images from Flynn

Angles on the textured concrete walls


Flynn grounds

Landscape setting & grounds

Enrico Taglietti visting the school he designed

History and design

Memorial to John Flynn

Memorial to John Flynn