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Labor election promise to Flynn

Fenced off Flynn in 2012

Fenced off Flynn in 2012

Flynn community representatives wrote to the parties asking for commitments to the community. This is Katy Gallagher’s reply on behalf of ACT Labor.

Thank you for your letter of 4 October 2012 which followed our meeting last week. I appreciated the opportunity to hear the John Flynn Community Group’s views on a way forward for the Flynn Community Centre (the former Flynn Primary School buildings and grounds).

I want to reiterate that my objective in relation to this matter is to move forward with establishing a centre for the community. As I advised at our meeting, and noting that the government is in caretaker, my intention is to consider all of the issues raised by JFCG at our meeting, the findings of the review undertaken by MindPath consulting and my discussions with Minister Joy Burch.

I am advised that JFCG representatives met with Minister Burch this week and that the Minister has undertaken to look at ideas for a Flynn community consultation committee structure that would fit within the existing community hubs model and provide a mechanism for continuing community involvement. Such a model would allow management of the centre to be undertaken by a tenant at the Centre, as occurs in other hubs, but ensure that community views continue to be heard.

In the spirit of the findings and recommendations of the MindPath report, and the Director-General’s letter to the JFCG of 12 July 2012 in which she made a number of undertakings to work with the Flynn community, I would suggest that the development of this model should not hold up the current E01 process.

Thank you again for your letter and our discussion.

Yours sincerely
Katy Gallagher MLA Chief Minister
(Emailed to Flynn on 16 October 2012)

Images from Flynn

Angles on the textured concrete walls


Flynn grounds

Landscape setting & grounds

Enrico Taglietti visting the school he designed

History and design

Memorial to John Flynn

Memorial to John Flynn