Flynn Primary School Parents and Citizens Association today welcomed Education Minister Andrew Barr’s admission that ACT Schools were closed without a sound analysis of social impacts.
“The lack of any social impact analysis is one of a number of serious matters that invalidated the school closures of 2006, 2007 and 2008, “ according to Flynn Primary P&C Association President, Roger Nicoll.
“The Education Minister failed to address the most serious matters raised in the Inquiry including invalid data, failure to comply with the Education Act and the conflict of interest in the Chief Minister’s office, and was unable to explain how any social impacts had been taken into account before closing schools,’ Mr Nicoll said.
The Minister’s presentation to the Standing Committee on Education, Training and Youth Affairs Inquiry has provided a great boost to communities working hard to have their schools and community centres restored.
“We were very encouraged to see that our conclusion of wrongful closure is not contradicted by any other evidence. It was also heartening to see that no sound reasons have been given for why school and community centres cannot easily and sustainably be re-established in communities like Flynn, Hall and Tharwa.”
Despite investing two years and many thousands of dollars in a Supreme Court legal challenge to the school closure, the Flynn community is looking forward and not dwelling on the wrongful closure, according to Mr Nicoll.
“The Flynn P&C, together with the John Flynn Community Group, has presented an innovative and exciting proposal for a co-operative school, childcare and inter-generational community centre to restore Flynn heart and only community facility.”
“The Flynn community is looking forward to working with the new Assembly to turn the plans into reality,” Mr Nicoll said.