By March 2009, the Australian Institute of Architects had agreed to the Taglietti buildings that would be asssessed as part of the study. An excerpt of the report is below, or download the Heritage_report (a pdf). The Flynn community gained access to this document only in August after a Freedom of Information request.
Extract from the progress report
The Project
1. Describe what the project has achieved so far. What has been implemented?
Part 1. Comparative Assessment
On 29 January 2009, a letter was sent to Gerhard Zatschler at the ACT Heritage Unit (attached)
toqether with 4 lists of the ‘buildings (attached) thzt the ACT Chapter of the Australian Institute of Architects believes should have for listing on the ACT Heritage Register.
Part 2. Priority List of Enrico Taglietti’s works
The Institute’s ACT Heritage Committee has agreed en the following:
1. Giralang School [previously nominated to ACT Heritage Council)
2. Dickson Library (previously nominated to ACT Heritage Council)
3. Dingle House, Hughes (previously nominated to ACT Heritage Council)
4. Flynn Primary School
5. Paterson House, Aranda
6. War Memorial Annex (storage & conservation repository), Mitchell
7. McEwen House, Downer
8. Woden Youth Centre or Early Childhood Centre, Forrest depending if the ACT Government is listing Woden Youth Centre.
The Heritage Unit will be reporting on a regular basis to the Minister and the ACT Heritage Council about the grant program. To enable us to include an update on your project, please provide a short summary of the current progress of the project-(50 words):
The project to establish priority lists for listing of buildings on the ACT Heritage Register has been
completed. The second part of the project is to identify 5 significant buildings designed by architect
Enrico Taglietti. The buildings have been identified, and the next part of the project is to research
the places andwrite citations and statements of significance for the 5 buildings.