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This tag is associated with 3 posts

Heritage Council to visit Flynn

Th ACT Heritage Council will be paying Flynn and Giralang primary schools a visit as part of their assessment of the heritage value of the two schools, revealed an ACT public servant an Assembly Committee hearing today. Scheduled for 18 February, the visit will “make an on-site inspection, have a look at the facts that […]

Flynn presents at BCC: 16 Feb

You are invited to a public meeting with the John Flynn Community Group. The John Flynn Community Group will present a community-led vision for the future of the John Flynn Community Centre. The group’s vision for the John Flynn Community Centre is for an inclusive, multi-use, early childhood and intergenerational hub that meets the needs […]

Flynn friends’ Christmas party by the Lake

Flynn families, school students (past and present) and friends are invited to a Christmas catch-up by Lake Ginninderra on Sunday 14 December.

Images from Flynn

Angles on the textured concrete walls


Flynn grounds

Landscape setting & grounds

Enrico Taglietti visting the school he designed

History and design

Memorial to John Flynn

Memorial to John Flynn