Sixth eucalyptus tree felled at Flynn Primary School, two stumps from the last act are still visible
The sixth large tree illegally hacked down at Flynn Primary School site over the past week has brought further calls for the ACT government to restore security and take urgent steps to protect the site.
Flynn residents were distraught to discover another large, clear-felled eucalypt yesterday, just days after Flynn community groups renewed their call for protection following a spate of illegal tree cutting a week ago, according to Flynn Primary School Parents and Citizens Association, President Roger Nicoll.
“It’s clear that urgent action is needed to stem this tide of environmental vandalism and to honour the Chief Minister’s recent commitment to protect the whole site,” Mr Nicoll said.
“Immediate steps should be taken to reactivate motion sensor alarms, install low-cost closed circuit TV cameras and put up security signs, but even more importantly, to reactivate the community hub by moving the first of the agreed tenants into the Flynn Primary School.”
“There is strong agreement for a community-based childcare service as part of an early childhood centre so it makes sense to move that in as quickly as possible in the next few months,” Mr Nicoll said.
“As Flynn has no other community facilities, the school has an important role to play as the hub and focus of community activity but also in providing safety and security for the neighbourhood.”
“People also need to know that the government is monitoring and protecting the building and grounds and that serious action will be taken against vandalism and criminal activity – boosted security systems and signs would help achieve that.”
The Flynn school buildings and grounds are recognised for their heritage value and have been nominated for heritage listing. The site is home to many large and significant trees valued by the community for shade, shelter, fresh air, carbon storage, bird life and the vista.